BNBS Leopoldville, Belgisch-Kongo – 17770 khz

R A D I O   i n   B E L G I A N   C O N G O

Radiodiffusion National Belge, Station Congo -call OTC- was established in Léopoldville (modern-day Kinshasa) as a mean of broadcasting news and propaganda to the white population of the Congo and German-occupied Belgium in World War II. It broadcasted for the first time on 1 October 1940. — However, this role was assumed by Belgian National Broadcasting Service (BNBS) which became focused on broadcasting within the colony after 1942. Due to major historians the station was an important promotional outlet of local congolese music. After the independence of Congo-Belge in 1960, the station was renamed „Radiodiffusion Congolaise“. Between 1945 and 1959 was the used Slogan for the broadcaster: International Goodwill Station. The main frequency was changed from 17770 khz to 9655 khz within the year 1948.