QSL Show: Asien (historisch)

Radio Bangladesh, Dhaka, 9550 khz

Voice of Free China, Taiwan, 17780 khz

Voice of Malaysia, 6175 khz

Radio Afghanistan, Kabul, 15225 khz

BBS, Thimpu, Bhutan, 5030 khz

National Radio of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, 11940 khz

Radio Peking, VR China, 7100 khz

Radio Tiflis (Tbilisi), Georgien, 11805 khz

Burma BS, 7185 khz (Myanmar)

CBS Taipeh, Taiwan, 9630 khz

All India Radio, Delhi, 9915 khz

Voice of Indonesia, 25-m-Band

IRIB Teheran, 11790 khz

Kol Israel, ex Kol Zion, 9010 khz

NHK Tokio, Japan, 15235 khz

KBS Radio Korea, Südkorea, 15210 khz

Radio Pyongyang, Nordkorea, 6540 khz

LNR, Vientiane, 15190 khz

Radio Ulan Bator, Mongolei, 7530 khz

Radio Nepal, Kathmandu, 5005 khz

Radio Pakistan, Islamabad, 17900 khz

FEBC Manila, Philippinen, 9715 khz

Singapore Broadcasting Corporation, 11940 khz

Deutsche Welle – Relais Sri Lanka, 7200 khz

Radio Thailand, HSK9 Udon Thani, 9535 khz

Radio Tashkent, Usbekische SSR, 15460 khz

Radio Baku, Aserbaidschan, 9840 khz

Voice of Armenia, Yerevan, 9965 khz

Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, 12020 khz

Voice of Maldives, Male, Malediven, 4755 khz

Radio Brunei

BBC Far East Relay Station, Singapur